Thursday 5 July 2012

Martin and Neil's Civil Partnership at Beauberry House

Neil, Martin and I had such a laugh on their lifestyle shoot that I knew I was going to enjoy being a part of their civil partnership.

From the way that they had described the big day and from having a look at the venue I felt was going to be a really colourful day and already had some shots in mind. I had fingers, legs, toes, crossed that the weather held so that we could get the photos I wanted and it did. Yay for us!

Even though I attend a lot of civil partnerships, I can get really immersed in the emotion of the day. Martin and Neil's civil partnership ceremony and speeches were one of the most emotional days I've had the honour of being a part of. I have no shame admitting that there were a few times where I was blinking back the tears myself behind the camera.

As for the venue, Beauberry House, what a great place. I had no idea there was anything like this in zone 2 in South London. A quick bus ride from where I live and it felt like being in a country house outside of London. Combine that with great family and friends of the boys, great staff at Beauberry House and a great atmosphere ... the the day was made.

I loved being a part of Neil and Martin's civil partnership and am really pleased with the pictures. The boys were too, which makes me a happy photographer :)

Loving the colourful shoes!!!

I couldn't believe it when I saw these fabulous custom made suits ... I knew the pictures would be great!

and what better way to make way to your civil partnership than on your own private Routemaster!

Beauberry House, yes this gorgeous place really is in the heart of South London

The fabulous Pink Singers doing a few numbers ... fab as ever!

I love these dancing shots ... you can almost hear the Scissor Sisters when you look at them!

A romantic sunset at the end of the civil partnership, perfect!

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