Saturday 8 December 2012

David and Steve's Awesome Civil Partnership at Kensington Roof Gardens - August 2012

Olympics fever over and David and Steve's civil partnership day was finally here. What a fantastic day it was too. I'd never been to Kensington Roof Gardens before and was I in for a treat. What a beautiful venue it is, with so many diverse and colourful backdrops and a very attractive pair of boys to photograph, I knew it was going to be a fun day … and I wasn't wrong.

It was such a happy and upbeat day I was sorry when it ended! It's days like this when I realise just how much I love my job. The boys were (as ever) great to work with, their guests were fabulous, Kensington Roof Gardens was awesome as was the service and the weather was perfect. Fab, with a capital F!

Fiona Tong, such a fantastic opera singer!

The boys and I!

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