Sunday 9 December 2012

London 2012 - The Olympics and Paralympics!

I'm not usually a sports fan, it has to be said. When I hear anyone talking about sport images of football or cricket usually spring to mind *yawn*.

However, the same is not true of the Olympics and Paralympics. I utterly LOVED them. I was lucky enough to go to the swimming heats of the Olympics, athletics in the Paralympics and the Paralympics Closing Ceremony.

AMAZING! The atmosphere at all of the events was utterly incredible and the performance of all of the athletes was utterly tremendous. Even as I write this now (in December … oops), I still have a pang of wishing I was re-living the whole experience.

Naturally … I took the camera!

Do you think I was excited?

Warming up!

The atmosphere was absolutely electric!

This wine was delicious!

The champions!

Here comes Rihanna...

Serious lasers!

and serious fireworks!

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